Is there any known bug in the implementation of <Choice-box> under STk
3.1.1? When I instantiate the class, I get the following error message:
STk> (define cb (make <Choice-box>))
*** Error at line 43 of file ./Choicebox.stklos:
get-keyword: bad list: ((menu :accessor menu-of) (menubutton :accessor
menubutton-of) (background :accessor background :init-keyword :background
:allocation :propagated :propagate-to (frame lentry menu menubutton))
(border-width :accessor border-width :allocation :propagated :init-keyword
:border-width :propagate-to (frame)) (relief :accessor relief :init-keyword
:relief :allocation :propagated :propagate-to (frame)))
Paolo Amoroso <>
Received on Tue Apr 21 1998 - 08:04:26 CEST