[ANNOUNCE] EnvDraw 1.1

From: Josh MacDonald <jmacd_at_CS.Berkeley.EDU>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 1996 02:01:54 -0800

                                                  06 February, 1995

Announcing version 1.1 of EnvDraw, an instructional package for STk.

EnvDraw is a environment diagramming package which draws environment
diagrams as taught in Abelson and Sussman's _Structure and
Interpretation of Computer Languages_. It was written as an
instructional tool for the CS61A course at the University of
California at Berkeley. The environment diagrammer is a metacircular
evaluator which draws procedures, environments, and box and pointer
diagrams along with all the accompanying symbols and mutation. It
includes a box and pointer diagrammer which handles circular list
structures, cons cell mutation, and also will watch for modification
of any symbols known to be pointing to drawn cells.

New in this version are contributions from max_at_gac.edu making the
metacircular evaluator properly tail recursive and bug fixes
uncovered by a semester of students beating it up.


EnvDraw works with STk 3.0b2. Slib must be installed. Optionally,
a patch to error.c in the source distribution allows the metacircular
evaluator to catch errors nicely.

                           Getting EnvDraw

I have placed a copy of EnvDraw-1.1.tar.gz in the following places:


in the incoming directory of the scheme repository:

in the incoming directory of the STk home site:



Pick a directory to install the EnvDraw sources in. If you would
like to install the sources as a subdirectory of your home directory
and the EnvDraw-1.1.tar.gz file is located in the same directory,

% cd ~
% gunzip EnvDraw-1.1.tar.gz
% tar -xf EnvDraw-1.1.tar

This extracts a subdirectory named EnvDraw-1.1 with a number of files.
The files are organized as follows:

EnvDraw-1.1/Help/ HTML help files
EnvDraw-1.1/doc/ Postscript and LaTeX documentation
EnvDraw-1.1/icons/ Icons used by Tk
EnvDraw-1.1/diffs/ The optional diff to error.c described above
EnvDraw-1.1/test/ Some tests
EnvDraw-1.1/*.stk The source files
EnvDraw-1.1/FixSTk.stk Some library fixes loaded by EnvDraw. These
                        might break other applications which use the
                        STklos toolkit.

To run STk with EnvDraw, you should have SCHEME_LIBRARY_PATH set to
the location of slib and ENVDRAW_LIBRARY_PATH set to the location of
the sources.

If you are using a script to start stk, the following will do,


or you can put


in your .cshrc or similar startup file.

I recommend adding something similar to the following in whatever
startup file you normally run for STk.

(autoload "SOME_PATH/view.stk" view)
(autoload "SOME_PATH/meta.stk" envdraw)

Whatever method you use, make sure that the files are loaded and
everything should work.

                            USING ENVDRAW

There are two separate applications included with EnvDraw. The first
is a box and pointer diagrammer. To use the box and pointer
diagrammer, just type (view DATA).

STk> (define l (list 1 2 3))
STk> (view l)
#[<viewed-cell> #p401001d8]

A top-level window will be created containing a diagram of the symbol
`l' pointing to the diagram of the list. The window containing the
diagram has a label and three buttons on the top. Entering any item
with the mouse will print the printed representation of that cell in
the label. An OPTION menu with the buttons DISMISS, FOCUS, and COLORS
is located at the top left. The DISMISS button destroys the window.
The FOCUS button is a checkbutton which indicates that a particular
window is the current window into which new diagrams will be drawn.
If a particular window is the current window, pressing the FOCUS
button will unfocus it, so that the next time view is called a new
window will be created. Otherwise, pressing the FOCUS button will
make that window the current window. If you would like each call to
VIEW to create a new window, set the value *view-root* to #f. The
COLORS button opens a menu which allows selection of a color which
determines the color of anything new drawn in that window.

Once a particular cell is drawn, any mutation of that cell will be
recorded. For example, continuing with the above example, if you now

STk> (set-car! l 4)

The cell which `l' points to now has a pointer to a `4' instead of the
`1' which it previously pointed to. The old pointer has thinned and
darkened, but remains on the diagram. You can remove the `1' and the
pointer to it by clicking Button-3 on the `1' or the pointer to it.

When the mutation occured new data had to be put on the diagram.
Since it would be difficult to pick a really good place to diagram new
objects and cells, anything on the diagram is movable. It will,
however, try to find a good place to put the new data.

To move an item, click Button-1 over that item and drag it. This will
move the item and any descendants of it. This will let you arrange
the diagram to exploit any symmetries or organize the diagram.
Button-2 will move just one item and not its descendants.

The diagrammer will work for arbitrarily circular and complicated list
structures. You can also mutate cell pointers to data which is
already diagrammed. For example, now try:

STk> (set-cdr! (cddr l) l)

Now the tail of the list points to itself. In the label at the top of
the window, a (4 2 3 ...) will be displayed if the front of the list
is entered.

The algorithm that initially places the cells can either produce tree
structured data structures or list structures. Each cell may be drawn
with its pointers pointing down and to the left and right as if it
were a tree node or with its car pointer going straight down and its
cdr pointer going to the right. The method that is chosen is based on
the return value of a predicate, which is called with the cell in
question as an argument. This predicate must return true if the cell
is to be drawn as a tree and false if the cell is to be drawn as a
list. This predicate defaults to (lambda (x) (not (list? x))), so
that anything that is a true list will be drawn so. You can tell it to
use a different predicate by specifying it as an additional argument
to view. For example, you can draw a weird looking structure with

STk> (define s (list #f #t #f))
STk> (view s (lambda (x) (car x)))
#[<viewed-cell> #p400d0b00]

Set! is also redefined so that if you modify the binding of a viewed
symbol it will update the diagram. If you view something that is not
bound by a symbol, it will be diagrammed with #[no binding] as its
symbol. If you redefine something which has been viewed, it will not
update the diagram, if you feel this is really a problem send me a

If you have mutated a list such that there are cells on the diagram
which are not pointed to by anything on the diagram, they will be
marked by stippling the body of the cell and darkening it. You can
delete it in the same method described above. Press Button-3 and you
will delete it and anything that points to it or that it points to.
How can anything point to it? Pointers stay around after set-car! and
set-cdr! act upon a cell, though darkened and thinned. It is also possible
that another symbol is bound to that data though it has been marked as
garbage in the diagram. If you somehow try to view that data after it
has been marked as garbage, it will unmark itself properly. If you do
not like keeping garbage around on the diagram, there is a variable
GARBAGE_COLLECT? which is false by default which tells it whether to
automatically delete garbage from the diagram. It is set in the
envdraw/view.stk file, relative to the library directory, along with a
few other user-customizable variables.

The second application included with EnvDraw, from which it derives
its name, is an environment diagrammer. This can be started by typing
(envdraw) from the STk prompt. It will bring up a top-level window
with a global environment frame placed in the center. The top-level
window also contains a listbox, a label, and 5 buttons labeled STEP,
CONTINUE, STEPPING, COLORS, and EXIT. The label provides the same
type of output as it did in the box and pointer application. The STEP
and CONTINUE buttons will step the evaluator through evaluation. STEP
will advance on step. CONTINUE will continue evaluation until the
REPL finishes. STEPPING toggles whether or not to step at all.
COLORS behaves exactly like in the view application. EXIT leaves
EnvDraw and STk.

View will not work inside the metacircular evaluator, as macros aren't
supported, and view is a macro. It should not be neccesary to view
anything though, as all data is diagrammed.

You will be placed in a metacircular evaluator where everything you
evaluate is traced and drawn. When something is entered to the REPL
it will be evaluated, tracing the evaluation in the listbox in the
window. If stepping is enabled, it will pause at each call to apply,
announcing whether a primitive (or any underlying applicable object)
is being applied or whether a lambda expression created in the
metacircular evaluator is being applied. Environment diagrams are
drawn just as in Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.
Environement frames, procedures, and list structures which have become
garbage will be marked as such in the same manner as the view
application. Button-1 moves an object and its decsendants. Button-2
moves just one object. Button-3 will delete garbage.

The meta-evaluator provides several built-in procedures. LOAD will
load a scheme source file into the evaluator. DISPLAY and PRINT are
the only properly defined output functions. The evaluator is fairly
complete, providing most of the R4RS special forms. Letrec is not
supported. CALL/CC is also provided. PRINT-CANVAS will try to print
the canvas using the printer command named in *print-command* or print
a postscript file to a file named by an argument.

The meta-evaluator is equipped for catching and printing error
messages, however the lack of error handling support in STk created a
problem in this respect. Unless you can recompile STk with a small
patch to error.c, an error in the meta-evaluator will bring you back
to the STk REPL. The patch to error.c sets two global variables with
the error messages. Not a very elegant solution, but it works. The
variable *meta-debug* toggles whether to use this error handling. If
the patch has been applied, it will print an error message and return
to the prompt. If the patch has not been applied, you can re-enter
the meta REPL by typing (driver-loop). The patch is contained in the
distribution and named error.c.diffs. It can be applied with the Unix
"patch" utility. It will automatically detect if this patch has been

To exit the evaluator send an EOF, (exit), or hit the EXIT button
in the OPTIONS menu.
bosch-EnvDraw-1.1 %
Received on Tue Feb 06 1996 - 11:06:07 CET

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