Question about wm and winfo

From: Frank Ridderbusch <>
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 94 11:48:22 MET


while hacking with STk, I noticed the following points and I'm
wondering, if this generally to correct way.

1. (winfo 'parent <some widget>)

   returns the symbol *root*. I cannot use this return value in a
   construct like this

   (let* ((parent-window (winfo 'parent widget))
          (geometry (winfo 'geometry parent-window)))
     (some code here))

   STk barfs while executing the second winfo command.

2. (winfo 'geometry ...) and (wm 'geometry ...) return different

   (winfo 'geometry ...) ==> 534x234+100+200
   (wm 'geometry ...) ==> "534x234+100+200"

   Wouldn't if be nicer, if both returned a list like
   (534 234 100 200).

3. I'm teribbly missing something like line numbers.

   It happens, while I'm editing, that I forget to remove an extra ')'.
   STk complains, that it read an extra ')'. It usually take quite
   time to locate that extra ')', even with Emacs.

     /====                          Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG
    /    Ridderbusch        / ,    Abt.: SU MR PD 254
   /                       /./    Heinz Nixdorf Ring
  /=== /,== ,===/  /,==,  //     33106 Paderborn, Germany
 /    //   /   /  //   / / \    Tel.: (49) 05251-8-15211
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Received on Mon Nov 14 1994 - 14:02:28 CET

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