STk is a free R4RS
interpreter which can access the
graphical package. Concretely, it can be seen as the standard Tk package
where Tcl has been replaced by a Scheme interpreter.
STklos MOP is based on the
Tiny Clos
model from the Xerox Open Implementation group.
STk is distributed in source form for Unix and Windows
platforms. Distribution in binary form for some common architectures is
also available.
Latest version of STk is numbered
Some STk documentation is available from this
There is also a FAQ that you can browse.
The STk mailing list is located on kaolin.unice.fr.
Information requests, subcription/unsubscription to the mailing list
must be sent to stk-request@kaolin.unice.fr
To subscribe to the mailing list, simply send a message with the word
subscribe in the Subject: field to the previous address.
To unsubscribe to the mailing list, simply send a message with the word
(you guessed it :-) unsubscribe in the Subject: field to the previous
Subscription requests are processed automatically without human intervention.
If you encounter a problem, send a mail to Erick Gallesio
The STk mailing list archive
can be browsed from this site.
They are programs or extensions made by STk users. Among these extensions
you can find a package for displaying procedure environments, a spreadsheet
widget, games, and much more ...