An Example

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An Example

DWARF is a full-featured and complex debugging information format [7]. Our example program, dwarfscheme, is an interface that allows the user to browse DWARF information in an object file by providing stubs to the libdwarf [8] library. Figure 2 shows a sample dwarfscheme dialogue.

Figure 2: dwarfscheme dialogue

In this example the user invokes dwarfscheme, opens the file "a.out" for DWARF reading, defines a function for printing out debugging information entries (DIEs), and prints out the first DIE. This example shows how dwarfscheme would be used by an end user. Next, we will examine the way that the dwarfscheme executable was created using libscheme and the libdwarf libraries.

The program dwarfscheme is an executable that was produced by linking libscheme with a set of DWARF manipulating primitives, a read-eval-print loop that initializes the primitives, and the libdwarf library that is provided as a system library. The main routine for dwarfscheme appears in figure 3.

Figure 3: dwarfscheme read-eval-print loop

This main routine is a boiler-plate routine that is used when the application writer wants to make the application a Scheme read-eval-print loop. The thing that differentiates the main routines in different applications is the initializations that are done on the environment. In this case, we create a basic environment containing the standard libscheme bindings, and then add the DWARF specific bindings to it by calling init_dwarf(). The rest of the routine takes care of the business of establishing an error handler, printing out a prompt, reading an expression, evaluating the expression, and printing out the result.

The application writer can also embed libscheme in an application that is not structured as a read-eval-print loop. For example, at program startup a windowing application might initialize a libscheme environment, read and evaluate Scheme expressions representing configuration information from a user configuration file, and then enter its event loop. The user might bring up a dialog box in which she can evaluate Scheme expressions to further configure and query the system's state.

The major part of the DWARF initialization routine, init_dwarf() appears in figure 4. It consists of calls to scheme_make_type() to establish new data types, and then several calls to scheme_add_global() to add new global bindings to the environment provided as an argument. Each call to scheme_add_global() provides the Scheme name for the global, the initial value for the variable (in this case a new primitive that points to its C implementation), and an environment to which the global should be added. All routines and variables that are part of the dwarfscheme interface begin with a dw prefix, while routines and variables from the system-supplied libdwarf library begin with a dwarf prefix.

Figure 4: The DWARF primitive initialization routine

This practice of calling an initialization routine with the environment for each logical piece of code is only a convention, but is a helpful way of organizing libscheme code. The libscheme library itself is organized this way. Each file contains an initialization function that establishes that file's primitives.

A sample primitive is shown in figure 5. Each libscheme primitive accepts an argument count and a vector of evaluated arguments. Each primitive procedure is responsible for checking the number and type of its arguments. All Scheme objects are represented by the C type Scheme_Object (see section 4.1). The types Dwarf_Debug and Dwarf_Die are foreign to libscheme and are provided by the libdwarf library.

Figure 5: A dwarfscheme primitive

The SCHEME_ASSERT() macro asserts that a particular form evaluates to true, and signals an error otherwise. The dw_first_die() routine first checks for the correct number of arguments, then it checks that the first argument is an object with type dw_debug_type. Next, it extracts the pointer value representing the DWARF information in the file from the first argument, a Scheme_Object. It then calls a libdwarf function, dwarf_nextdie() and returns an appropriate value-a new dw_die_type object if there is another DIE, the Scheme false value otherwise. The dw_make_die() routine accepts a Dwarf_Die as an argument and returns a libscheme object of type dw_die_type that contains a pointer to the Dwarf_Die structure.

Now that we have a feel for the way that libscheme is extended, we will take a closer look at the design of libscheme itself.

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Brent Benson
Mon Sep 19 16:03:14 EDT 1994