1.  Easy Build Instructions  

This quick summary is no substitute for reading the full build instructions later in this document.

Edit xc/config/cf/site.def for local preferences. If you want to build with gcc uncomment the HasGcc2 line. If you want to install somewhere other than /usr/X11R6, change ProjectRoot. (Do not use DESTDIR.)

If any fixes have been released by the X Consortium, stop here and follow the instructions at the top of each patch, but don't do any of the make commands suggested in the patches. Then continue here.

Check the appropriate xc/config/cf/vendor.cf file to make sure that OSMajorVersion and OSMinorVersion are set correctly for your system (change them if necessary).

See if there is a BootstrapCFlags mentioned in the comments in the vendor.cf file. If there isn't one, cd to the xc directory and type:

make World >& world.log

If there is a BootstrapCFlags, take its value and type:

make World BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS="value" >& world.log

Do not call the output file ``make.log''. If the build is successful, you can install most of it with:

make install >& install.log

You can install manual pages with:

make install.man >& man.log

While the system is building (or if things fail), read the rest of these Release Notes.

Markup created by unroff 1.0,    March 21, 1996,    net@informatik.uni-bremen.de