Getting a stock quote from the web

From: Kumar Balachandran <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 10:25:02 -0500

I have written a script that can retrieve stock quotes from yahoo's
site. The program dumps core after a couple of hours, and stops in _doprnt(). I
was not able to get any more debugging information from it. Any

  0 WARNING: report-error is buggy!!

*** Error:
    Out of storage
Current eval stack:
  0 WARNING: report-error is buggy!!

*** Error:
    Out of storage
Current eval stack:
  0 WARNING: report-error is buggy!!

*** Error:
    Out of storage
Current eval stack:
  0 WARNING: report-error is buggy!!

*** Error:
    Out of storage
Current eval stack:
  0 WARNING: report-error is buggy!!

*** Error:
    Out of storage
Current eval stack:
  0 WARNING: report-error is buggy!!

*** Error:
    Out of storage
Current eval stack:
  0 WARNING: report-error is buggy!!

*** Error:
    Out of storage
Current eval stack:

(no debugging symbols found)...done.
Reading symbols from /apps/public/solaris2.5/lib/stk/3.1.1/SunOS-5.5.1-sun4/
Reading symbols from /apps/public/solaris2.5/lib/stk/3.1.1/SunOS-5.5.1-sun4/
Reading symbols from

#0 0xef4e0d4c in _doprnt ()
(gdb) where
#0 0xef4e0d4c in _doprnt ()
Cannot access memory at address 0xef7fff2c.
(gdb) up
Cannot access memory at address 0xef7fff2c.
(gdb) up
Cannot access memory at address 0xef7fff2c.
(gdb) p
The history is empty.
(gdb) quit

Received on Fri Jan 23 1998 - 16:52:20 CET

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