If you cannot link stk into your program for some reason, how about
writing small scheme code including your own repl, which doesn't
echo toplevel results? (It's actually not read-eval-print-loop, but
I tested following quick hack just now and seems to work. But maybe
in your project you have some other reason which prevents you from
doing it...
% cat t.stk
(define (repl)
(eval (read))
% stk -l t.stk
Welcome to the STk interpreter version 3.1 [IRIX-5.X-IPxx]
Copyright (I)(B 1993-1996 Erick Gallesio - I3S - CNRS / ESSI <eg_at_unice.fr>
(display "abc\n")
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#"The most important things are the hardest things to say" --- Stephen King
Received on Thu Sep 04 1997 - 20:37:01 CEST