
From: David Fox <fox_at_graphics.cs.nyu.edu>
Date: 17 Oct 1996 09:19:43 -0400

Using snow 3.1 on my Linux box the following function produces
different results each time I run it on (split1 (string->list

(define (split1 lst)
  (cond ((null? lst) '(()))
        ((eq? (car lst) #\/) (cons () (split1 (cdr lst))))
         (let ((sf (split1 (cdr lst))))
           (set-car! sf (cons (car lst) (car sf)))

If I replace "'(())" with "(list (list))" it works correctly.
David Fox	   http://found.cs.nyu.edu/fox		xoF divaD
NYU Media Research Lab   fox_at_cs.nyu.edu    baL hcraeseR aideM UYN
Received on Thu Oct 17 1996 - 15:57:07 CEST

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