You can have a pretty solution when using the STklos MOP. To illustrate this
I suppose you have:
(define-class parent-class ()
((a :init-keyword :a)))
(define-class child-class-1 (parent-class)
((b :init-keyword :b)))
(define-class child-class-2 (parent-class)
((c :init-keyword :c)
(d :init-keyword :d)))
(define o1 (make parent-class :a 1))
(define o2 (make child-class-1 :b 2))
(define o3 (make child-class-2 :a 0 :c 3 :d 4))
With STklos, the generic functions write-object (or display-object) is called
when you call the Scheme function write (or display). You don't have to
the standard write to use your method. If you don't define display-objet, the
write-object function is called when you call display on an STklos object.
So you can write
(define-method write-objet ((c child-class-1) port)
(define-method write-object ((c child-class-1) port)
But you can do better:
Since all your classes share a common ancestor, you can define a write object
for the parent-class. Using the MOP, you can find all the informations
on the real caller to customize your printing:
(define-method write-object ((o parent-class) port)
(format port "(make ~A" (class-name (class-of o)))
(map (lambda (descr)
(let ((slot-name (car descr))
(keywd (get-keyword :init-keyword (cdr descr) #f)))
(when keywd
(if (slot-bound? o slot-name)
(format port " ~s ~s" keywd (slot-ref o slot-name))))))
(class-slots (class-of o)))
(display ")\n" port))
The various aspects of the MOP used here are:
- class-name which gives the symbol associated to the class
- class-slots which gives a list of slot descriptions. Each slot
description being the list you gave when defining the slot.
For instance, (class-slots child-class-1)
returns ((a :init-keyword :a) (b :init-keyword :b))
- slot-bound? which is a predicate which indicates if a given slot is
STk> (begin (write o1) (write o2) (write o3))
(make parent-class :a 1)
(make child-class-1 :b 2)
(make child-class-2 :a 0 :c 3 :d 4)
Note that this function "forget" slots which don't have init-keyword. You can
change it by writing an object with something like:
(let ((tmp (make child-class-2)))
(slot-set! tmp 'a 0)
(slot-set! tmp 'c 2)
Hope it helps
-- Erick
Received on Tue Sep 17 1996 - 09:38:56 CEST
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