-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mr Andrew Dorrell School of Electrical Engineering * University of Technology, Sydney * PO Box 123 * Broadway NSW 2007 . AUSTRALIA * /---\ Whoo? Phone: 61 2 330 2395 (o o) / Fax: 61 2 330 2435 ( : ) email: andrewd_at_ee.uts.edu.au ^ ^ OR dorrell_at_ihf.uts.edu.au ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ begin gnuplot.stklos: (define-class <gnuplot> () ((stk-process) (data-file) (valid-terms) (valid-styles) (terminal :allocation :virtual :slot-ref (lambda(o) (let ((in-port (process-input (slot-ref o 'stk-process))) (out-port (process-error (slot-ref o 'stk-process)))) (flush out-port) (format in-port "show term~A" #\newline) (flush in-port) (do ((s (string->symbol ""))) ((memq s (slot-ref o 'valid-terms)) s) (set! s (read out-port))))) :slot-set! (lambda(o t) (let ((in-port (process-input (slot-ref o 'stk-process))) (out-port (process-error (slot-ref o 'stk-process)))) (if (not (memq t (slot-ref o 'valid-terms))) (error "invalid term type")) (format in-port "set term ~A~A" (symbol->string t) #\newline) (format in-port "replot~A" #\newline) (flush in-port)))) (data-style :allocation :virtual :slot-ref (lambda(o) (let ((in-port (process-input (slot-ref o 'stk-process))) (out-port (process-error (slot-ref o 'stk-process)))) (flush out-port) (format in-port "show data style") (newline in-port) (flush in-port) (do ((s (string->symbol ""))) ((memq s (slot-ref o 'valid-syles)) s) (set! s (read out-port))))) :slot-set! (lambda(o s) (let ((in-port (process-input (slot-ref o 'stk-process))) (out-port (process-output (slot-ref o 'stk-process)))) (if (not (memq s (slot-ref o 'valid-styles))) (error "invalid data style")) (format in-port "set data style ~A~A" (symbol->string s) #\newline) (format in-port "replot~A" #\newline) (flush in-port)))) )) (define-method initialize ((self <gnuplot>) initargs) (slot-set! self 'stk-process (run-process "gnuplot" :input :pipe :output :pipe :error :pipe)) (slot-set! self 'valid-terms '(aifm atari dumb epson gpic hpljii latex iris4d mf mif nec-cp6 pbm pcl5 postscript regis table x11)) (slot-set! self 'valid-styles '(lines points linespoints dots steps impulses errorbars boxes boxerrorbars)) (slot-set! self 'data-file (format #f ".plot-data~A" (number->string (process-pid (slot-ref self 'stk-process))))) (let ((data-style (get-keyword :data-style initargs 'lines)) (term (get-keyword :terminal initargs 'x11))) (slot-set! self 'data-style data-style) (slot-set! self 'terminal term))) ;; ;; define a method for plotting ;; the plot-args is a list of things to plot where each thing takes the ;; form of a list wih at least one item --- the data to be ploted (an narray) ;; The optional second item is a string to use as a legend: ;; ;; plot item format: (data title) ;; (define-method gnuplot ((self <gnuplot>) plot-args) (let* ((port (process-input (slot-ref self 'stk-process))) (plot-no 1) (plot-command (case (narray-dimension (caar plot-args)) ((1) "plot ") ((2) "splot "))) (write-1d (lambda(data port) (narray-map-elements (lambda(x) (format port "~A~A" x #\newline) 0) data))) (write-2d (lambda(data port) (narray-map-blocks (lambda(row) (write-1d row port) (newline port) 0) (list (car (narray-shape data)) 1) (list (car (narray-shape data)) 1) data))) (compose-plot (lambda(plot-item) (let* ((tmp-file (format #f "~A~A" (slot-ref self 'data-file) plot-no)) (tmp-port (open-output-file tmp-file)) (plot-data (car plot-item)) (plot-legend (if (> (length plot-item) 1) (cadr plot-item) (format #f "~A" plot-no)))) (case (narray-dimension plot-data) ((1) (write-1d plot-data tmp-port)) ((2) (write-2d plot-data tmp-port))) (close-output-port tmp-port) (set! plot-no (+ 1 plot-no)) (set! plot-command (string-append plot-command (format #f "'~A' title '~A' " tmp-file plot-legend))))))) (compose-plot (car plot-args)) (for-each (lambda(plot-item) (set! plot-command (string-append plot-command (format #f ", "))) (compose-plot plot-item)) (cdr plot-args)) (format port plot-command) (newline port) (flush port) (after 100 (lambda() (system (format #f "rm ~A*" (slot-ref self 'data-file))))))) (define-method eps ((self <gnuplot>) file) (let ((in-port (process-input (slot-ref self 'stk-process)))) (format in-port "set terminal postscript eps~A" #\newline) (flush in-port) (format in-port "set output ~A~A~A~Areplot~A" #\" file #\" #\newline #\newline) (flush in-port) (format in-port "set terminal ~A~Areplot~A" 'x11 #\newline #\newline) (flush in-port))) end gnuplot.stklosReceived on Thu Jun 27 1996 - 05:58:08 CEST
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