An attempt to create NON-BLOCKING sockets

From: Giorgio Cesana <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 1995 16:43:43 +0200

Dear all,

I am trying to use sockets with STk 2.2 (both SunOS 4.1.3 and Solaris 2.4).

The sockets mechanism implemented in STk 2.2 works fine but has some missings.
The one I am interested to is the capability to make non blocking server sockets
to avoid the socket-accept-connection to stop the STk execution if there are no
sockets to satisfy.
This is a real problem when creating servers with GUI, that can be blocked
waiting for a connection.

I tried to solve it by setting the server socket as non-blocking (available
under sparc) using the fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, O_NDELAY). The modified socket.c
file is shown below.

while creating a server and a client in interactive mode the
socket-accept-connection function works fine (it returns #t if a connection was
accepted, it returns #f is no connections are available), the simple script

(let ((s (make-server-socket 1234)))
        (let loop ()
                (if (socket-accept-connection s)
                                (format #t "Read: ~s\n"
                                        (read-line (socket-input s)))
                                (socket-shutdown s #f))
                        (display "No connection\n"))

does not display the message "No connection": the accept function seems to be





Giorgio Cesana | SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics
phone +39/39/603.6006 | Central R&D - DAIS
fax +39/39/603.5820 | via C. Olivetti, 2
e-mail | 20041 Agrate (MI) - ITALY

--- Begin included file: socket.c

 * This file is based on a contribution of David Tolpin (
 * It is an implementation of BSD-INET sockets and is known to run on
 * Solaris 1 and Linux.
 * Bugs correction (conversion between host and network byte order) by
 * Marc Furrer (
 * Reworked by Erick Gallesio for 2.2 release. Some additions and
 * (I hope)
 * Last file update: 26-Apr-1995 23:53

#include "stk.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <fcntl.h> /* ADDED FOR NON-BLOCKING SOKETS */

struct socket_type {
  int portnum;
  SCM hostname;
  int descr;
  SCM input, output;

static int tc_socket;

#define SOCKET(x) ((struct socket_type*)(x->
#define LSOCKET(x) (x->
#define SOCKETP(x) (TYPEP(x,tc_socket))
#define NSOCKETP(x) (NTYPEP(x,tc_socket))

static void system_error(char *who)
  char buffer[512]; /* should suffice */
  sprintf(buffer, "%s: %s", who, strerror(errno));
  Err(buffer, NIL);

static void set_socket_io_ports(int s, SCM sock, char *who)
  long flag = No_interrupt(1);
  int t, len, port;
  char *hostname;
  FILE *fs, *ft;
  SCM tmp;
  t = dup(s); /* duplicate handles so that we are able to access one
                 socket channel via two scheme ports */

  if(!((fs = fdopen(s, "r")) && (ft = fdopen(s, "w")))) {
    char buffer[200];
    sprintf(buffer, "%s: cannot create socket io ports", who);
    Err(buffer, NIL);
  port = SOCKET(sock)->portnum;
  hostname = CHARS(SOCKET(sock)->hostname);
  len = strlen(hostname) + 16;

  /* Create input port */
  NEWCELL(tmp, tc_iport);
  tmp->storage_as.port.f = fs;
  tmp-> = (char*) must_malloc(len);
  sprintf(tmp->, "%s:%d", hostname, port);
  SOCKET(sock)->input = tmp;

  /* Create output port */
  NEWCELL(tmp, tc_oport);
  tmp->storage_as.port.f = ft;
  tmp-> = (char*) must_malloc(len);
  sprintf(tmp->, "%s:%d", hostname, port);
  SOCKET(sock)->output = tmp;


static PRIMITIVE make_server_socket(SCM arglist, int argcount)
  struct sockaddr_in sin;
  int s, portnum, len;
  SCM z, hostname, port;
  char msg[] = "make-server-socket";
  hostname = NIL;
  portnum = (argcount < 1) ? 0 : STk_integer_value(CAR(arglist));
  /* portnum = (port == UNBOUND) ? 0 : STk_integer_value(port); */

  if (portnum < 0) Err("make-server-socket: bad port number", port);

  if ((s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) Err("Cannot create socket",
  sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
  sin.sin_port = htons(portnum);
  sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;

  if ((argcount > 1) && (CAR(CDR(arglist)) == Truth))
    if (fcntl(s, F_SETFL, O_NDELAY) < 0)
        Err("Cannot set socket to NON-BLOCKING", NIL);

  if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof(sin)) < 0)

  /* Query the socket name (permits to get the true socket number if 0 was given
  len = sizeof(sin);
  if (getsockname(s, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, (int *) &len) < 0)

  if (listen(s, 5) < 0)

  /* Now we can create the socket object */
  NEWCELL(z, tc_socket);
  LSOCKET(z) = (struct socket_type*)
                                    must_malloc(sizeof (struct socket_type));

  SOCKET(z)->portnum = ntohs(sin.sin_port);
  SOCKET(z)->hostname = STk_makestring("localhost");
  SOCKET(z)->descr = s;
  SOCKET(z)->input = Ntruth;
  SOCKET(z)->output = Ntruth;
  return z;

static PRIMITIVE socketp(SCM sock)
  return SOCKETP(sock)? Truth: Ntruth;

static PRIMITIVE socket_port_number(SCM sock)
  if (NSOCKETP(sock)) Err("socket-port-number: bad socket", sock);
  return STk_makeinteger(SOCKET(sock)->portnum);

static PRIMITIVE socket_input(SCM sock)
  if (NSOCKETP(sock)) Err("socket-input: bad socket", sock);
  return SOCKET(sock)->input;

static PRIMITIVE socket_output(SCM sock)
  if (NSOCKETP(sock)) Err("socket-output: bad socket", sock);
  return SOCKET(sock)->output;

static PRIMITIVE socket_hostname(SCM sock)
  if (NSOCKETP(sock)) Err("socket-hostname: bad socket", sock);
  return SOCKET(sock)->hostname;

static PRIMITIVE socket_accept_connection(SCM sock)
  char str[]= "socket-accept-connection";
  int s;

  if (NSOCKETP(sock)) Err("socket-accept-connection: Bad socket", sock);

  if ((s = accept(SOCKET(sock)->descr, NULL, NULL)) < 0)
    if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK)

  if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
    set_socket_io_ports(s, sock, str);
    return Truth;
    return Ntruth;

static PRIMITIVE make_client_socket(SCM hostname, SCM port)
  char str[] = "make-client-socket";
  struct hostent *hp;
  struct sockaddr_in server;
  int s;
  SCM z;
  if(NSTRINGP(hostname)) Err("make-client-socket: bad hostname", hostname);
  if(NINTEGERP(port)) Err("make-client-socket: bad port number", port);
  if ((hp=gethostbyname(CHARS(hostname))) == NULL)
    Err("make-client-socket: unknown or misspelled host name", hostname);

  memset(&server, 0, sizeof(server));
  memcpy((char*)&server.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);

  server.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype;
  server.sin_port = htons(INTEGER(port));

  if ((s=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) < 0) Err("Cannot create socket", NIL);

  if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof(server)) < 0)

  NEWCELL(z, tc_socket);
  LSOCKET(z) = (struct socket_type*)
                                    must_malloc(sizeof (struct socket_type));

  SOCKET(z)->portnum = ntohs(server.sin_port);
  SOCKET(z)->hostname = hostname;
  SOCKET(z)->descr = -1;
  SOCKET(z)->input = Ntruth;
  SOCKET(z)->output = Ntruth;
  set_socket_io_ports(s, z, str);
  return z;

static PRIMITIVE socket_shutdown(SCM sock, SCM close_socket)
  SCM tmp;
  if (close_socket == UNBOUND) close_socket = Truth;

  if (NSOCKETP(sock)) Err("socket-shutdown: bad socket", sock);
  if (NBOOLEANP(close_socket)) Err("socket-shutdown: bad boolean",

  if (close_socket == Truth && SOCKET(sock)->descr > 0)

  tmp = SOCKET(sock)->input;
  if (tmp->storage_as.port.f) /* not already closed */
    shutdown(fileno(tmp->storage_as.port.f), 2);

  tmp = SOCKET(sock)->output;
  if (tmp->storage_as.port.f) /* not already closed */
    shutdown(fileno(tmp->storage_as.port.f), 2);

  return UNDEFINED;


static void mark_socket(SCM sock)

static void free_socket(SCM sock)
  socket_shutdown(sock, Truth);

static void displ_socket(SCM sock, SCM port, int mode)
  struct socket_type *sh = SOCKET(sock);

  sprintf(STk_tkbuffer, "#[socket %s %d]", CHARS(sh->hostname), sh->portnum);
  Puts(STk_tkbuffer, port->storage_as.port.f);

static STk_extended_scheme_type socket_type = {
  "socket", /* name */
  0, /* is_procp */
  mark_socket, /* gc_mark_fct */
  free_socket, /* gc_free_fct */
  NULL, /* apply_fct */
  displ_socket /* display_fct */


PRIMITIVE STk_init_socket(void)
  tc_socket = STk_add_new_type(&socket_type);

  STk_add_new_primitive("make-server-socket", tc_lsubr, make_server_socket);
  STk_add_new_primitive("socket?", tc_subr_1, socketp);
  STk_add_new_primitive("socket-port-number", tc_subr_1,
  STk_add_new_primitive("socket-input", tc_subr_1, socket_input);
  STk_add_new_primitive("socket-output", tc_subr_1, socket_output);
  STk_add_new_primitive("socket-hostname", tc_subr_1, socket_hostname);
  STk_add_new_primitive("socket-shutdown", tc_subr_1_or_2, socket_shutdown);
  STk_add_new_primitive("make-client-socket", tc_subr_2,

  return UNDEFINED;

--- End included file
Received on Mon Jul 24 1995 - 16:48:07 CEST

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