error in pretty-printer

From: Lars Thomas Hansen <>
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 1995 09:25:18 -0700

There is an error in the pretty-printer code which assumes that the
binding list in a let expression is non-empty (which it need not be).
The offending code is in Lib/pp.stk. A working patch is:

< (print-binding (car bindings) pos-bind) ; the first binding
< (for-each (lambda (clause)
< (*pp:newline-indent* pos-bind)
< (print-binding clause pos-bind))
< (cdr bindings))
>     (if (not (null? bindings))
>       (begin (print-binding (car bindings) pos-bind)  ; the first binding
>           (for-each (lambda (clause)
>                         (*pp:newline-indent* pos-bind)
>                         (print-binding clause pos-bind))                  
>                   (cdr bindings))))
Received on Fri Jul 07 1995 - 18:30:39 CEST

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