I am not able to start from the UNIX shell the STk demo programs.
Take for example hello.stk:
#!/staff/stk/bin/stk -f
;; Simple Tk script to create a button that prints "Hello, world".
;; Click on the button to terminate the program.
;; The first line below creates the button, and the second line
;; arranges for packer to manage the button's geometry, centering
;; it in the application's main window.
(button '.hello :text "Hello, world"
:command '(begin
(format #t "Hello, world~%")
(destroy ".")))
(pack .hello)
The file has the proper execution permission and the STk
interpreter is in my path. If I try to execute hello.stk I get
the following error message from the shell:
Simple: Command not found.
Click: Command not found.
The: Command not found.
Unmatched '.
If, on the other hand, I start the stk interpreter and then LOAD
the example programs, everything works fine. I use the stock C
shell under HP-UX 9.01. What's wrong?
Paolo Amoroso <amoroso_at_dsi.unimi.it>
Received on Wed Apr 19 1995 - 14:46:14 CEST