Re: STk I/O Performance

From: <>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 95 15:38:32 +0200

> When I open a 34 K file and read characters, I get the following
> performance (this is on an HP 9007s715):
> (time (let ((ch (read-char port)))
> (while (not (eof-object? ch)) (set! ch (read-char port)))))
> ;; Time: 1520.00ms
> ;; GC time: 110.00ms
> ;; Cells: 68082
> This is about 22K/second. A C program that uses fopen and getc on
> the same machine gives about 2Mb/second.
> Is a 100 time slow-down to be expected? Is there any way to speed
> this up by changing buffering, etc?
> It appears that my program is spending most of its time
> in (peek-char ..) and (read-char ..)....
> Thanks for any advice...
> Drew

Is there an counterindication for a line per line read ?
this will usually greatly speed up things, although it may make
parsing more difficult.

On my machine reading the same file is 20 time faster using read-line
instead of read-char.

Hopes it may help


STk> (time (let ((ch (read-char port)))(while (not (eof-object? ch))
     (set! ch (read-char port)))))
;; Time: 683.33ms
;; GC time: 50.00ms
;; Cells: 44774

STk> (time (let ((l (read-line port))) (while (not (eof-object? l))
     (set! l (read-line port)))))
;; Time: 33.33ms
;; GC time: 0.00ms
;; Cells: 323

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