common startup problem

From: john lewis <>
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 10:09:24 -0800

In 2.1.5 I often get a sequence of errors like those indicated below.
Making some minor change will often allow STk to get past this and
report an actual syntax error in the program. In one case, I got errors
like this when (load "program") but not when doing "stk -f program"
(i think).

Anyone know what causes this?


spacer34> stk -f cordb.stk

*** Error:
eval: bad function in : "(map eval supers)"

*** Error:
eval: bad function in : "(map car inits)"
WARNING: report-error is buggy!!

*** Error:
    eval: bad function in : (map car inits)
Current eval stack:
  0 (map car inits)
  1 (quasiquote (letrec (((unquote loop-name) (lambda (unquote (map car inits)) (if (unquote (car test)) (begin (unquote-splicing (if (null? (cdr test)) (list |_at_undefined|) (cdr test)))) (begin (unquote-splicing body) ((unquote loop-name) (unquote-spli
  2 (%replace params (apply (lambda (inits test . body) (let ((loop-name (gensym))) (quasiquote (letrec (((unquote loop-name) (lambda (unquote (map car inits)) (if (unquote (car test)) (begin (unquote-splicing (if (null? (cdr test)) (list |_at_undefined|)
  3 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (but buttons (cdr but))) ((null? but) (quote ())) (let

thanks for any suggestions!
Received on Thu Feb 16 1995 - 19:11:17 CET

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