Re: Stklos question

From: Jen Mankoff <>
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 15:35:28 -0500

>> (define-method initialize-item
>> ((self <barplot>) parent coords data args)
>> (let* ((parent (slot-ref self 'parent))
>> (data (get-keyword :data args))
>> ...)
>> (slot-set! self 'numbars numbars)))
>The problems comes from the method initialize-item. Your methods provides 5
>whereas only 4 are required. This explains why it is said that the methods
>doesn't exist (In STklos, generic functions could have methods with different
>signatures). Here, it seems that it is the data parameter which must be

Ok that makes sense. Now I have a further question :). I get rid of
the data parameter, and a call to make a barplot looks something like

(make <barplot> :parent c
                :coords '(0 1)
                :data '(a ((0 (2 3 4)) 4 5) (1 (3 45 6) 6 4)))

and I get the following error:

*** Error:
    get-keyword: bad list: (((0 (2 3 4) 4 5) (1 (3 45 6) 6 4)))

but when I
        (describe args)

I find that the args are as follows:

(data (a ((0 (2 3 4) 4 5) (1 (3 45 6) 6 4))) coords (0 1) parent #[<canvas> 100affb0] tk-options ())

Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Received on Thu Feb 09 1995 - 21:36:49 CET

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