OO and dynamic classes and methods...

From: Amancio Hasty Jr <hasty_at_netcom.com>
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 1995 01:51:48 -0800

Is it possible to re-define a class and then have the respective
instances reflect the new definition?

(define-class person ()
 ((name :init-keyword :name
      :accessor name)
  (age :init-keyword :age
      :accessor age)
(define b (make person :name "foo" :age 22))

(define-class person ()
 ((name :init-keyword :name
      :accessor name)
  (age :init-keyword :age
      :accessor age)
  (address :init-keyword :address
      :accessor address)

(describe b)

#[person ce27c] is an instance of class person
Slots are:
     name = "foo"
     age = 22

The above is a simple of example . What I want to see is the
instance "b" to now include the slot "address".

Received on Sat Jan 28 1995 - 10:54:06 CET

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