Re: How to sleep?

From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 10:30:24 PDT

The obvious thing (to me, at least) is to define a C extension to add sleep()
to stk.
Here is such a thing I coded in about ten minutes, along with a simple test
All you do is put

        (sleep nnn)

when you want to sleep.


(P.S. Extending this to call usleep or select for sub-second waits is left as
an exercise.)

#include <stk.h>

 * write a byte to a port. Use the low 8 bits of the integer i
static PRIMITIVE stk_sleep(SCM n)
  if (NINTEGERP(n)) err("sleep: not an integer", n);
  return UNDEFINED;

void init_sleep(void)
    add_new_primitive("sleep", tc_subr_1, stk_sleep);

# A makefile for extensions files on Sun (with gcc)
# Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Erick Gallesio - I3S - CNRS / UNSA <>
# Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
# that both the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
# all copies and derived works. Fees for distribution or use of this
# software or derived works may only be charged with express written
# permission of the copyright holder.
# This software is provided ``as is'' without express or implied warranty.
# Author: Erick Gallesio []
# Creation date: 6-Mar-1994 15:49
# Last file update: 6-Mar-1994 15:57
# Fixed for sleep() extension...

#include ${TOP}/config.make

#define here how to obtain Position Independant Code (pic) with your compiler
PIC = -fpic

# Define here the extension you want to be defined
#EXT =

CFLAGS= $(PIC) $(STKCFLAGS) -I/import/X11R4/include -DUSE_TK -I${TOP}/Tk
-I${TOP}/Tcl -I${TOP}/Src $(XINCLUDES)

.SUFFIXES: .so .o .c
        $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $*.o $<
        ld -assert pure-text -o $*.so $*.o
        ld -assert pure-text -o $*.so $<
all: $(EXT)

        $(INSTALL) $(EXT) $(libdir)

        _at_/bin/rm -f *.o *.so core *~f

#!/import/stk/sol1/bin/stk -f

(load "foredriver/stk/")
(load "logical.scm")

(define seconds 5)

(define do-sleep
  (lambda ()
    (format #t "Sleeping for ~A seconds...~%" seconds)
    (sleep seconds)
    (format #t "Waking up!~%")

(button ".quit"
        :text "Quit"
        :command '(begin
                    (display "Quitting sleep test\n")
                    (destroy "."))
        :foreground 'red)

(button ".sleep"
        :text "Do Sleep"
        :command 'do-sleep)

(pack 'append "." .quit "top fillx")
(pack 'append "." .sleep "top fillx")

(frame ".secframe" :bd 2 :relief 'raised)
(pack 'append "." .secframe "top fillx")

(pack [label ".secframe.label"
             :text "Seconds to sleep: "
             :width 15
             :anchor 'e]
      :side "left")
(pack [scale ".secframe.scale"
             :orient 'hor
             :from 1 :to 60
             :font "fixed"
             :command "set! seconds"]
      :side "right" :expand #t :fill "x")

(.secframe.scale 'set seconds)

(wm 'title '. "Sleep Test")
Received on Thu Sep 29 1994 - 18:34:00 CET

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