-- MfG/Regards /==== Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG / Ridderbusch / , Abt.: SU MR PD 251 / /./ Heinz Nixdorf Ring /=== /,== ,===/ /,==, // 33106 Paderborn, Germany / // / / // / / \ Tel.: (49) 05251-8-15211 / / `==/\ / / / \ NERV:ridderbusch.pad Email: ridderbusch.pad_at_sni-usa.com (America (North & South)) ridderbusch.pad_at_sni.de (Rest of world) ============================== cut here ========================= ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -*- Mode: Scheme -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; issue.stklos -- ;; ;; ;; Author : Frank Ridderbusch ;; Created On : Fri Aug 26 22:11:30 1994 ;; Last Modified By: Frank Ridderbusch ;; Last Modified On: Sat Aug 27 19:50:29 1994 ;; Update Count : 34 ;; Status : Unknown, Use with caution! ;; ;; $Locker$ ;; $Log$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Requirements (require "Frame") (require "Button") (require "Menu") (require "Scrollbox") (require "Toplevel") (require "Lentry") ;;; Global Variable Section (define possible-stati '(("Open" 1 #t) ("To Do" 2 #t) ("Pending" 3 #t) ("Caution" 4 #t) ("Closed" 5 #f))) (define issues #((("To Do" "" "21.8.94" "PSM-Protokoll fertigmachen") ("To Do" "" "21.8.94" "Issue opened")) (("To Do" "" "20.8.94" "5.43 QSM Plan fertig stellen") ("To Do" "" "20.8.94" "Issue opened")) (("Pending" "" "25.8.94" "Modem installieren") ("Pending" "" "25.8.94" "C informiert") ("To Do" "" "24.8.94" "Issue opened")))) (wm 'title "." "Issue Manager") ;;; The Menue Bar ;; (define m (make <Frame> :width 500)) (pack m :side "top" :fill "x") ;---- (define mb-file (make <Menu-Button> :text "File" :underline 0 :parent m)) (define m-file (make <Menu>)) (set! (menu-of mb-file) m-file) (menu-add m-file 'command :label "New" :command '(new-issue-file) :underline 0) (menu-add m-file 'command :label "Open" :command '(open-issue-file) :underline 0) (menu-add m-file 'command :label "Save" :command '(save-issue-file) :underline 0) (menu-add m-file 'command :label "Save As .." :command '(save-issue-file-as) :underline 5) (menu-add m-file 'separator) (menu-add m-file 'command :label "Print" :command '(print-issue-file) :underline 0) (menu-add m-file 'separator) (menu-add m-file 'command :label "Quit" :command '(destroy *root*) :underline 0) ;---- (define mb-edit (make <Menu-Button> :text "Edit" :underline 0 :parent m)) (define m-edit (make <Menu>)) (set! (menu-of mb-edit) m-edit) (menu-add m-edit 'command :label "Add Issue" :command '(add-issue) :underline 0) (menu-add m-edit 'command :label "Edit Issue" :command '(add-issue) :underline 0) (menu-add m-edit 'command :label "Add History" :command '(add-issue) :underline 5) (menu-add m-edit 'separator) (menu-add m-edit 'command :label "Delete Issue" :command '(add-issue) :underline 0) ;---- (define mb-view (make <Menu-Button> :text "View" :underline 0 :parent m)) (define m-view (make <Menu>)) (set! (menu-of mb-view) m-view) ;---- (define mb-opt (make <Menu-Button> :text "Options" :underline 0 :parent m)) (define m-opt (make <Menu>)) (set! (menu-of mb-opt) m-opt) ;---- (define mb-help (make <Menu-Button> :text "Help" :underline 0 :parent m)) (define m-help (make <Menu>)) (set! (menu-of mb-help) m-help) (pack mb-file mb-edit mb-view mb-opt :side "left" :fill "x") (pack mb-help :side "right") ;;; The Toolbar ;; (define toolbar (make <Frame>)) (pack toolbar :side "top" :fill "x") (define toolbar-open (make <Button> :text "New" :parent toolbar)) (define toolbar-new (make <Button> :text "Open" :parent toolbar)) (define toolbar-save (make <Button> :text "Save" :parent toolbar)) (pack toolbar-open toolbar-new toolbar-save :side "left" :fill "x" :expand "t") (define toolbar-print (make <Button> :text "Print" :parent toolbar)) (pack toolbar-print :side "left" :padx 5 :fill "x" :expand "t") (define toolbar-add (make <Button> :text "Add" :command '(add-issue) :parent toolbar)) (define toolbar-edit (make <Button> :text "Edit" :parent toolbar)) (pack toolbar-add toolbar-edit :side "left" :fill "x" :expand "t") ;;; ;; (define issues-lbl (make <Label> :font "fixed" :anchor "w" :text "Act. Cat. Date Description")) (pack issues-lbl :fill "x" :side "top") ;;; ;; (define issues-sbox (make <Scroll-listbox> :font "fixed" :setgrid "true" :geometry "60x14" :scroll-side "right")) (pack issues-sbox :fill "x") (for-each (lambda (n) (insert issues-sbox "end" (string-append (caar n) " " (cadar n) " " (caddar n) " " (car (cdddar n))))) (vector->list issues)) ;;; Functions for the File menu ;; (define new-issue-file (lambda () (display "clicked new issue file") (newline))) (define open-issue-file (lambda () (display "clicked open issue file") (newline))) (define save-issue-file (lambda () (display "clicked save issue file") (newline))) (define save-issue-file-as (lambda () (display "clicked save issue file as") (newline))) (define print-issue-file (lambda () (display "clicked print issue file") (newline))) ;;; Functions for the Edit menu ;; (define add-issue-lock #f) (define add-issue (lambda () (let* ((t (make <Toplevel>)) (t-lbl ()) (t-d-p ()) (t-d-p-date ()) (t-d-p-prio ()) (t-short ()) (t-sb ()) (t-sb-stat ()) (t-sb-cat ()) (t-btn ()) (t-btn-ok ()) (t-btn-can ()) (t-btn-hlp ())) ; The Label above all (define t-lbl (make <Label> :text "Inital Issue Specification" :borderwidth 10 :parent t)) (pack t-lbl :fill "x" :expand "t" :side "top") ; The Date and the Prio fields (set! t-d-p (make <Frame> :parent t :borderwidth 5)) (pack t-d-p :side "top" :fill "x") (set! t-d-p-date (make <Labeled-entry> :parent t-d-p :title "Date:" :width 10)) (pack t-d-p-date :side "left") ; (let ((date (get-decoded-time)) ; (date-string #f)) ; (set! date-string (string-append ; (number->string (vector-ref date 3)) ; "." ; (number->string (+ 1 (vector-ref date 4))) ; "." ; (number->string (vector-ref date 5)))) ; (text-insert t-d-p-date date-string 0)) (set! t-d-p-prio (make <Labeled-entry> :parent t-d-p :title "Prio (1-99):" :width 3)) (pack t-d-p-prio :side "right") ; The Short description (define t-short (make <Labeled-entry> :parent t :title "Short Description:" :width 40)) (pack t-short :side "top") ; Two Scrollboxes for Status and Category (set! t-sb (make <Frame> :parent t)) (pack t-sb :side "top" :fill "x") (set! t-sb-stat (make <Scroll-listbox> :parent t-sb :scroll-side "right" :geometry "10x5" :setgrid 1 :borderwidth 5)) (pack t-sb-stat :side "left" :expand "t") (map (lambda (n) (insert t-sb-stat "end" (car n))) possible-stati) (set! t-sb-cat (make <Scroll-listbox> :parent t-sb :scroll-side "right" :geometry "10x5" :setgrid 1 :borderwidth 5)) (pack t-sb-cat :side "right" :expand "t") ; The Buttons at the bottom (define t-btn (make <Frame> :parent t)) (pack t-btn :side "bottom" :fill "x") (define t-btn-ok (make <Button> :text "OK" :parent t-btn)) (define t-btn-can (make <Button> :text "Cancel" :command '(set! add-issue-lock 'can) :parent t-btn)) (define t-btn-hlp (make <Button> :text "Help" :parent t-btn)) (pack t-btn-ok t-btn-can t-btn-hlp :side "left" :fill "x" :expand "t") (wm 'title t "Add a new issue") (tkwait 'variable 'add-issue-lock) (catch (destroy t)) ))) (define edit-issue (lambda () (display "clicked edit issue") (newline))) (define add-history-to-issue (lambda () (display "clicked add history to issue") (newline))) (define delete-issue (lambda () (display "clicked delete issue") (newline))) ; Local Variables: ; eval: (require 'cmuscheme) ; eval: (setq scheme-program-name "/usr/local/bin/stk") ; eval: (dmacro-load "~/.elisp/scheme.dm") ; eval: (require 'header) ; End:Received on Mon Aug 29 1994 - 17:27:22 CEST
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