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2004 Scheme Workshop


  • Kurt Nørmark. "Scheme Program Documentation Tools". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
  • Stephen Paul Carl. "A Framework for Memory-Management Experimentation". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
  • Ilya Bagrak and Olin Shivers. "trx: Regular-Tree Expressions, now in Scheme". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
  • Mike MacHenry and Jacob Matthews. "Topsl: a Domain-Specific Language for On-Line Surveys". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
  • Scott Owens, Matthew Flatt, Olin Shivers and Benjamin McMullan. "Lexer and Parser Generators in Scheme". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
  • Kathryn E. Gray and Matthew Flatt. "Compiling Java to PLT Scheme". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
  • Eli Barzilay and Dmitry Orlovsky. "Foreign Interface for PLT Scheme". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
  • Damien Ciabrini. "Debugging Scheme Fair Threads". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
  • Stéphane Epardaud. "Mobile Reactive Programming in ULM". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
  • Chung-chieh Shan. "Shift to Control". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.
  • Sebastian Egner, Richard A. Kelsey and Michael Sperber. "Cleaning up the Tower: Numbers in Scheme". 2004 Scheme Workshop. September 2004. Available online: ps pdf.

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